Monday, April 18, 2011

It is All in the Natural

Is this really happening? Black women are cutting off their relaxed, weaved, straightened hair and it for the pure Afro natural look? I think that it is happening. It seems as if we are embracing our natural look and more women taking the leap of ‘going natural.’ What has made us take this step and how can we rock what we have best? which is our Afro.

In my former posts: Bald is back, I wrote about how hot the Amber Rose look has become. Or should I call it: the African back-to-school look. But the bald look does not suit everyone. Of course there are various styles. It depends on the texture of your hair and what you as an individual are prepared to do with it. You can go all out. Remember that in spite of natural, relaxed or texturised hair; our hair needs continuous moist and care. For those that are considering on going natural, go for it and embrace your look!

Below some good natural looks. Next issue: our readers who have gone All natural.


  1. I would lov to go natural. But its hard with this weather in europe. Almost impossible to maintain. What do i do then? relaxing i better, especially for a busy body like me.
